I have a confession to make! I actually photographed this amazing senior last September, however I fell behind in blogging my sessions and am just getting to it today. That’s ok though, because it’s never too late, am I right?!?
Just like it’s never too late to get your portraits taken…even senior portraits. I’ve even scheduled senior sessions all the way up to graduation day (sometimes even after)! 😱
Ok, back to this awesome class of 2020 senior!
Jonathan attends South Kitsap High School and chose one of my favorite locations for his session, Pomeroy Park in Port Orchard. He came ready for his session with an extra change of clothes and props, which I love! I just love showcasing senior’s activities and interests in their sessions.

Jonathan plays basketball for South Kitsap and will be joining the United States Marine Corps after graduation! I was so excited when he shared this with me as I have two son’s currently serving in the Marine Corps. I loved being able to chat about what to expect at boot camp and after, as well as sharing some special “Marine Mom” tips for his mama.
We moved to the beach area of the park where we took more formal portraits. Doesn’t he look like a young Tom Cruise in the above set of photos? 😍

Congratulations Jonathan and thank you for answering the call to serve our great country! Oorah!
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